Resources for Law Enforcement

IACP Sexual Assault Investigative Guidelines
Sexual Assault Investigative Guidelines [...]
Adobe Acrobat document [661.7 KB]
IACP Successful Trauma Informed Victim Interviewing
IACP Successful Trauma Informed Victim I[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [744.7 KB]
IACP Responding to Sexual Violence in LGBTQ+ Community
Adobe Acrobat document [478.6 KB]
False Reports
False Reports- Moving Beyond the Issue.p[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [331.2 KB]
Raped then Jailed
Adobe Acrobat document [1.8 MB]
Strangulation Assessment Card
NWI law enforcement, if you would like this resource, feel free to contact Fair Haven RCC and we will deliver them to you free of charge.
Adobe Acrobat document [205.9 KB]
Strangulation Assessment Card-Spanish
NWI law enforcement, if you would like this resource, feel free to contact Fair Haven RCC and we will deliver them to you free of charge.
Adobe Acrobat document [201.6 KB]
Strangulation Documentation Brochure
NWI law enforcement, if you would like this resource, feel free to contact Fair Haven RCC and we will deliver them to you free of charge.
Adult Strangulation Brochure Fair Haven.[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [437.6 KB]

Get in Touch

Lake County Prosecutor's Office

2293 North Main Street

Crown Point, IN 46307

(219) 755-3720

2645 Ridge Road

Highland, IN 46322

O: (219) 961-4357

24/HR Crisis Line: (219) 218-2552


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© Fair Haven Rape Crisis Center